Albums that Uplift

I don’t know about you, but in today’s often stressful, messy world, I sometimes think, “Gosh, I wish I was still a kid.” Children’s lives are so easy, right? Filled with play and imagination and fun. Not a care in the world. Except, that’s not true. Children are constantly having new experiences, new emotions, new friendships, all of which can be scary or joyful or somewhere in between, Unlike adults, children often don’t have the tools in their young toolboxes to deal with all of this newness. That’s where the four albums featured here come in. These albums lift listeners spirits, provide encouragement and empowerment, and offer some ideas on how to cope with all of the new things a child may be experiencing.


kim noller's album cover for BigFirst up is Big from singer/songwriter/music educator Kim Noller. The title song kicks off the album and sets the stage for the ten tracks filled with reassuring messages of affirmation. From “Big” which addresses all of the big feelings that children experience, to “Time to Dance,” a tune about letting your light shine just as brightly as anyone else’s, to the closing track, “Worthy,” Noller’s lyrics uplift listeners, filling them with hope and the encouragement to believe in themselves. Her rich vocals lend a depth to each song including the upbeat, interactive movement song “Good Day,” and the unique “Let’s Write Another Song” which celebrates a variety of musical genres.


Pam Felber album cover for Circle Round to Joy.Next up is Pam Felber of Ziggity Zag Music with her debut album Circle Round to Joy! Felber’s over 35 years as a music educator, along with her understanding of Social Emotional Learning (SEL), are evident throughout the eleven original songs in this collection. Whether she is singing about building relationships with others on “Can I Join Your Circle” and “I See You” or managing your emotions on “Choose Happy,” Felber weaves an underlying message of kindness and support throughout. While this was a family affair with Felber’s four grandsons and other family members appearing on the album, it is Felber’s light soprano that takes center stage. 



Album cover for The World is Waiting for You by Linda Yapp.Now let’s turn the spotlight on The World is Waiting for You, the most recent album from Linda Yapp. Yapp, the founder of the Nye Beach Montessori School in Newport, Oregon, imbues her music with messages of peace, kindness and a respect for all living things. Her crystalline voice combined with the folksy melodies creates an almost ethereal quality, filling listeners with a sense of warmth and tranquility.




Album cover for Jenn Cleary's album DreamlandAnd finally, the perfect album with which to end the day, Dreamland: Relax and ImagineThis collection, the third family album from singer/songwriter Jenn Cleary, serves to soothe the soul of listeners young and old with songs that offer peace and encourage relaxation. Each track is completely unique and features Cleary’s storytelling style lyrics and engaging vocals. The title track has a pseudo-psychedelic feeling to it, making it a fun alternative to standard lullabies. Whether she is calling to mind the lush green hills of Ireland in “Celtic Dream,” teaching listeners about the constellations in “Rocking Chair to the Stars,” or detailing the different types of “Clouds,” Cleary manages to educate as well as entertain. 


Song Spotlights – Things That Go

There are a handful of topics that seem to hold almost universal appeal for the younger set – animals, dinosaurs, and things that go. Today I’m spotlighting two songs that focus on the latter. 


One of my favorite things that goes is cars. Fast cars, slow cars, old cars, new cars, I love them all. No matter what kind of car is your favorite, who wouldn’t want a shiny red convertible to cruise around town in just like in Mr. Simon‘s latest song, “Shiny Red Car?” Not only does this track have a jaunty melody, it also features lyrics that encourage listeners to drive, wave, wiggle, jiggle up and down, and spin – among other actions – making it a fantastic addition to storytime. 


We’ve all heard the delightful stories about little ones waiting for the garbage truck to arrive. In their song “Rock and Rollin’ with the Garbage Truck,” the duo known as Preschool Rockstar, Kevin and Marty Long, celebrate these special local celebrities. The video features cute, engaging animation, a truly rocking melody and lyrics like, “The garbage truck/we like to watch it do its job/when it comes we’ll wave and nod/there it goes/its the garbage truck.” While the video will be fun for garbage truck fans, it also shows the process of picking up the garbage and taking it to the dump, which would be a good conversation starter about waste and recycling. 

Do you have a favorite song about things that go? Share in the comments!


Albums That ROCK!

One of the aspects of modern children’s music that I absolutely love is that it encompasses all genres of music – hip hop, jazz, folk, country, pop, funk, blues, and even rock. And that’s the one that I want to focus on today. Three rock albums that rock so far in 2024 are from Steve Elci, Patrick Adams, and Mr. Evan V.

All Together Now album cover from Steve Elci and FriendsLet’s kick things off with Steve Elci and Friends‘ sixth album for families, All Together Now. Elci’s roots as a singer/songwriter and activist are skillfully combined with his Bob Dylan-esque vocals, if Dylan enunciated and set his lyrics to up tempo beats, in this collection of 13 original songs. Whether highlighting the beauty of nature on tracks about sunflowers, fireflies, and trees, or sharing messages of peace and love, each song’s lyrics speak directly to the listener, encouraging them and lifting them up to believe in themselves and the world around them.  Check out the videos for “The Sound of Trees,  “The Power of the Sunflower,” and the call to action “We Rise Above.”

Imagination time with patrick album coverNext up, Patrick Adams‘s latest album, Imagination Time with Patrick, his eighth album for kids and families, runs the gamut from synth and guitar heavy rock to disco-pop. This 15 track collection kicks off with driving electric guitar on the opening song, “Hairless Werewolf about a friendly werewolf who can’t grow hair, before taking listeners on a tour through Patrick’s imagination where zombie ballerinas, fluffy dinosaurs, space trains, and alien dance parties reside. The album closes out with “Imagination Station” which reminds children that everyone has an amazing imagination that provides space for creation (writing, art, music), without limitation.

Finally, nobody rocks quite like Mr. Evan V. Filled with electric guitars and drums, Let Us Rock jams from the first note to last in this 12-track debut collection. Songs to rock to include the opening title track, “Driving in My Racecar,” and “Fire Truck, Fire Truck.” Mr. Evan’s time leading music classes is evident in the number of songs on the album that would be perfect in storytimes. From “Blowing Bubbles,” to the shaker song “Shake Shake Shake” to the movement song, “French Fry, Pizza,” each of these songs would enhance any early childhood classes. The album also offers an interlude to the raucous fun with “Swimming in the Water,” which captures the lazy, hazy days of summer.

Are you ready to rock?? Take a listen to these three albums today!!