Album Spotlight: Buddy’s Magic Toy Box performed by Mega Ran

It wasn’t as hard as I’d thought. I spent a ton of days just brainstorming before I started. I was really in my own way – overthinking the process when it wasn’t too different than writing the songs I had done prior. I just wanted to focus on making sure the message was clear and concise, and that the choruses were bright and fun.

Several of your songs are rooted in your own experiences. Why was it important to you to use those personal memories in creating this album?
I’ve had the biggest experience in my adult life that inspired this record – fostering and then later adopting my first son. It’s been a life changing moment and has changed the direction of not only my music, but has me thinking about my legacy and what I bring to the art form and culture. It’s led to a really fun transition that I think will be a part of me forever.
You are known for making video game/nerdcore hip hop. What advice would you give to kids who struggle because they are nerds or have interests outside of the so-called mainstream?
I don’t think the nerds struggle is nearly as tough today as it was a few decades ago. Kids are pretty free to be themselves these days without too much pushback from society, but I’m sure there are bullies and haters everywhere. So, for kids who like things that are a little outside the norm, I’d say to embrace that difference and be yourself. It’s so much more fun standing out than fitting in.
Kids love reading the Guiness Book of World Records. You’re in the Guiness Book for having the most songs that reference a video game. Was getting the world record a goal that you had for yourself? What’s it like to be a Guiness Book of World Records holder?
It’s insane! I’ve read those books when I was young and to be in one is an absolute dream come true. I’m thankful for Guinness for recognizing my strange world and my contributions. I got an opportunity to travel to London and go to the Guinness offices, where I played songs and received a plaque with my name on it. An absolute perfect scenario, a wish fulfilled. I’ll never forget it.
Buddy’s Magic Toy Box contains such great messages and is so entertaining. Will there be more children’s music in your future?
Absolutely! I have a ton of other concepts in mind! I’ll see how things go but I absolutely see myself creating more children’s music. My producers have sent a ton of beats over that have inspired me in new ways. So I’ll do it as long as I’m inspired!
Anything else that you would like to share with us?